Monday, January 5, 2015

Be Happy

In the new year, I have decided to adopt a positive attitude in all aspects of my life. Seems to me that by doing so, it will be easier to adopt God’s plan, and to be a true follower of His way.

Proverbs, most of which was written by King Solomon, the wisest monarch to ever rule Israel, writes in Chapter 15, Verse 13 (NIV) A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.

Now I know everyone prefers a happy heart and I also know it’s better to walk around with a smile on your face rather than a frown, but the big question is how to accomplish “happy.” Who wants a crushed spirit anyway? Certainly not me, and I am pretty sure you would agree.

In my 63+ years, I have found happiness is definitely a state of mind adopted with considerable effort on some days, less on others.

If I begin my day in God’s Word, it seems the day starts off on the right foot and stays there. Writing this blog requires that I focus on God and his authoritative Word every morning – first thing.

To be honest, I never thought of studying God’s Word as an avenue to happiness, but in this, only the third day of my Retreat to Belief adventure, I have found that His Word just may be the key to the ultimate form of happiness – surrender to Him.

Make His plans for you, your plans for you. I sincerely believe that finding true happiness starts in the Bible and stays there as we follow its precepts. As I searched my Bible this morning I came across a verse that certifies my assumption. Again it’s Proverbs - Proverbs 16:20 (NKJV) to be exact, He who heeds the word wisely will find good, And whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he.

I always end my day in the Bible too. For more than 40 years I have gone to sleep with words of wisdom from the Our Daily Bread devotional. Several years ago (and I don’t remember when) I took a page out of the January booklet, the title – How to be Happy. Richard De Haan, a member of the RBC Ministries founding family, offers these Ten Rules for Happier Living:

            1.     Give something away.

2.     Do a kindness

3.     Give thanks always.

4.     Work with vim and vigor.

5.     Visit the elderly and learn from their experience.

6.     Look intently into the face of a baby and marvel.

7.     Laugh often – it’s life’s lubricant.

8.     Pray to know God’s way.

9.     Plan as though you will live forever – you will.

10.  Live as though today is your last day on earth.

Read your Bible. Pray often. Give thanks. Be happy in Him.

And, may God bless each and every one of you every day in every way. Amen. 

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