Friday, March 6, 2015

OOPS! Forgot to publish my personal 'thank you'

Sending out a personal thank you to all who made this glorious weekend possible. Since I would not want to forget anyone, I choose not to name names, but you all know who you are. From the special programs, to the favors, to the activities, to the music, to the time of corporate prayer, to the door prizes, and much, much more – Thank you all from the bottom of this follower’s heart. Through God’s infinite grace, you all made my, and a lot of others, weekend. You also gave us much food-for-thought and reflection. I sincerely doubt that many attending walked away unchanged. May God bless each and every one of you every day in every way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so agree and duplicate your appreciation for this wonderful prayed through and played out weekend.