Thursday, August 13, 2015

Let's all 'do good works'

Today’s verse of the day from Bible Gateway is  
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

As I read this verse, penned by the Apostle Paul in his letter to believers in Ephesus, a city in modern-day Turkey, the folks of God’s Country Cooperative Parish (GCCP) came to mind.

Locally, GCCP volunteers work hard every summer to fulfill Paul’s directive.

GCCP, which brings together United Methodist churches in Newberry, Paradise, Hulbert, Engadine, McMillan, Grand Marais and Germfask, coordinates with Volunteers in Mission (VIM) teams from throughout Michigan and the rest of the country to assist local folks in need.

This group of Christian volunteers takes time from their summer vacations to make minor repairs to homes located in the GCCP area. VIM groups of United Methodists, coordinated by GCCP church and community worker Randy Hildebrandt, share their expertise throughout the 2,500 square mile area that encompasses these churches that operate under the GCCP umbrella.

According to the GCCP administrator’s Facebook page, “We are happy to host mission teams from all over Michigan and beyond to assist in sharing God's love with our hands and feet in minor home repairs - all summer long. We share God's love with a variety of outreach ministries in our seven communities.”

Basically, GCCP’s Mission Statement says it all, “God’s Country Cooperative Parish is to bring together people of the seven churches to provide mutual love and support for a greater impact serving Christ, community, and mission to all.”

Want to know more about this Christian team of workers, find them on Facebook by clicking here.  Be sure to take time to peruse the photographs from this summer’s projects. I promise, you will be impressed.

Perhaps each and every one of us can find a way, however small, to fulfill Paul’s directive as the folks of the United Methodist Church have done this summer.

May God bless each and every one of you every day in every way.

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