Monday, April 27, 2015

Pray for Nepal

Nepal lies in the shadow of Mt. Everest
where avalanches, triggered by the
7.8 magnitude earthquake, killed many
climbers while many more remain
at risk, stranded on the world's tallest
mountain'ssnow-covered slopes.
With more than 3,700 dead, as people of faith we must direct our resources to the survivors in Nepal and the surrounding towns/villages impacted by this natural disaster. Your resources may be financial in nature. It has been my experience that the best place to direct your hard-earned money in times of crisis is the Red Cross. Follow this link to donate to the Nepal relief fund.

Many people are dealing with monetary issues and do not have a dime to spare, but, as Christians we all have the ability to send prayers up to God - prayers for healing, prayers for rescue workers, prayers for those lost and their families, prayers for just about anything you can think of. These fellow occupants of the home we call earth will need your prayers for days, weeks and months to come as they process the devastation and begin the path to restoration.

Offer your prayers up to the God of creation. Ask Him to help those who need Him most.

In the meantime, I offer my prayer for all of you -
     May God bless you and keep you every day in every way. Amen

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